Gone are the days when ransomware operators were happy with
encrypting files on-site and more or less discretely charged their
victims money for a decryption key. What we commonly find now is
encryption with the additional threat of leaking stolen data,
generally called Double-Extortion (or, as we like to call it: Cyber
Extortion or Cy-X). This is a unique form of cybercrime in that we
can observe and analyze some of the criminal action via ‘victim
shaming’ leak sites.
Since January 2020, we have applied ourselves to identifying as
many of these sites as possible to record and document the victims
who feature on them. Adding our own research, analyzing, and
enriching data scraped from the various Cy-X operators and market
sites, we can provide direct insights into the victimology from
this specific perspective.
We must be clear that what we are analyzing is a limited
perspective on the crime. Nevertheless, the data gleaned from an
analysis of the leak-threats proves to be extremely
We’ll refer to the listing of a compromised organization on a
Cy-X leak site as a ‘leak threat’. The numbers you’ll see in most
of the charts below refer to counts of such individual threats on
the onion sites of the Cy-X groups we’ve been able to identify and
track over the last two years.
A boom in leak threats
Despite the vagaries of the environment we’re observing, the
number of unique leaks serves as reliable proxy for the scale of
this crime, and its general trends over time. We observed an almost
six-fold increase in leak-threats from the first quarter of 2020 to
the third quarter of 2021.
Source: Orange Cyberdefense Security Navigator 2022 |
Striking where the money is: Leak threats by
Let’s take a look at the countries the victims operate in.
Source: Orange Cyberdefense Security Navigator 2022 |
In the chart above we show the 2020 and 2021 leak threat counts
per country, for the top 10 countries featured in our data set. We
also show the estimated Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the 12
wealthiest countries[1].
The top victim countries have remained relatively constant
across our data set. As a general rule of thumb, the ranking of a
country in our data set tracks the relative GDP of that country.
The bigger the economy of a country, the more victims it is likely
to have. Indeed, eight of the top ten Cy-X victim countries are
among the top 10 economies in the world.
The conclusion we draw from this, is that the relative number of
victims in a country is simply a function of the number of online
businesses in that country. This does not prove definitively that
Cy-X actors do not deliberately attack targets in specific
countries or regions from time to time. It’s also not to say that a
business in a high-GDP country is more likely to be attacked than a
victim in a low-GDP country (since, with more businesses exposed
within that country, the probabilities even out).
In our view, the take-away from this data is simply that
businesses in almost every country are being compromised and
extorted. Logically, the more businesses a country has, the more
victims we will see.
Exceptions to the rule
Having said that, we’ve taken the liberty of including India,
Japan, China and Russia in the chart above, as counterexamples of
large-GDP countries that rank low on our Cy-X victims list.
India, with a projected 2021 GDP of $ 2.72 trillion, and China
with $ 13.4 trillion, appear underrepresented, which might be due
to several reasons. India, for example, has a huge population and
correspondingly large GDP, but the GDP per capita is lower, and the
economy generally appears less modernized and digital, meaning
fewer online businesses to target. It could be that criminals doubt
that Indian businesses could or would pay their dollar-based
ransoms. The language might also play a role – businesses that
don’t communicate in English are more difficult to locate,
understand, navigate, and negotiate with, and their users are
harder to exploit using commoditized social engineering tools.
Japan, as another obvious exception to our rule, has a highly
modernized economy, but will present criminals with the same
language and culture barriers as China and India, thus possibly
accounting for the low prevalence in our victim data.
The conclusion here is that Cy-X is moving from English to
non-English economies, but slowly for the time being. This is
probably the logical result of the growing demand for victims
fueled by new actors, but it might also be the consequence of
increased political signaling from the USA, which may be making
actors more cautious about who they and their affiliates
Regardless of the reasons, the conclusion here once again needs
to be that victims are found in almost every country, and countries
who have hitherto appeared relatively unaffected cannot hope that
this will remain the case.
One size fits all: No evidence of ‘big game
In the chart below we show the number of victims by business
size in our data set mapped to the top 5 actors. We define
organization sizes as small (1000 or less employees), medium
(1000-10,000) and large (10,000+).
Source: Orange Cyberdefense Security Navigator 2022 |
As shown, businesses with less than 1,000 employees are
compromised and threatened most often, with almost 75% of all leaks
originating from them. We’ve seen this pattern consistently in our
leak-threats data over the last two years, by industry, country,
and actor.
The most obvious explanation for this pattern is again that
criminals are attacking indiscriminately, but that there are more
small businesses in the world. Small businesses are also likely to
have fewer skills and technical resources with which to defend
themselves or recover from attacks.
This suggests again that any and every business can expect to be
targeted, and that the primary deciding factor of becoming a leak
site victim is the ability of the business to withstand attack and
recover from compromise.
It’s worth also noting that, since the crime we’re investigating
here is extortion, and not theft, it is the value of the impacted
digital asset to the victim that concerns us, not the value of the
data to the criminal.
Any business that has digital assets of value can therefore be a
victim. Neither small size nor the perceived ‘irrelevance’ of data
will offer significant protection or ‘fly under the radar’.
This is just an excerpt of the analysis. More details like the
threat actors identified or the industries targeted most (as well
as a ton of other interesting research topics) can be found in the
Security Navigator[1]. It’s available for
download on the Orange Cyberdefense website, so have a look. It’s
worth it!
Note — This article was
written and contributed by Carl Morris, lead security researcher, and Charl van der Walt,
head of security research, of Orange
- ^
Navigator (orangecyberdefense.com)
Read more https://thehackernews.com/2022/01/a-trip-to-dark-site-leak-sites-analyzed.html